Barb Jones 

Year: 2019

Barb Jones has the important task of molding the future of some of Indian Hills youngest students - those attending the Indian Hills Child Development Center. In Barb Jones room the students between the ages of 1.5 and 3 learn important life skills like pouring their own juice and use the potty on their own - but they also learn to be responsible to their own body/own actions, they learn to express their feelings and they grow tremendously during this very delicate age. Barb Jones often gets the worst of the worst during the “terrible 2’s,” but she makes every day the best of the best.

Barb Jones is not only loved and respected by the children that cross the threshold of her room, but also by the parents who entrust their littles with her every day. She is a soothing voice when you’ve had a tough morning, she’s a warm hug when things just can’t get worse and she’s ALWAYS a welcoming smile. There are days when she has three to four other children on her lap, but some how always makes room for your little, simply because she can see in everyone’s
eyes that you both need Barb Jones.

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